3 Oceans Winery is at 8141 Bussell Highway METRICUP - almost half way between Busselton and Margaret River.
Below we have bus options for the show from various locations in the south west.
PLANNING ON DRIVING? You must purchase a car parking pass from the ticketing page for your show here
Why do I have to pay for parking? Parking is an expensive part of any outdoor show. We have traffic management plans and approvals, traffic management staff, message boards, lighting towers, security...the list goes on. Instead of incorporating this charge into the ticket price, we made the call to separate the cost and only charge those that are using the service. It's our way of keeping the ticket price low.
It's hardly fair that someone coming by bus should have to pay for the convenience of parking - when they're not using it, right?
ACROD PARKING: We have a designated ACROD parking area on the right as your enter the venue. Please follow the directions of our traffic management team.
Pick up / Drop Off: If mum is dropping you off, please follow the directions of our traffic management team. AS se don't have an abundance of space, we ask that you don't "linger" in this area, and only arrive to collect your guests when they're ready to roll . Otherwise you may be asked to move on!